Friday, April 25, 2014

Welcome (bio)

Hello. My name is Lady Ann Stafford McTodd, "A" for short. I am part of the well known McTodd family. My great-great grandfather left behind us a large sum of pounds, which is why I am where I am today. I am a Aristocrat, or a Lady. I am currently in my early thirties, and is a soon-to-be mother. I was born and raised in London, England, which I currently still live in. 

I am an aristocrat, yes, but the way me and my husband are treated  is much different than one would expect. I do not work the same way he does, nor am I given the same opportunities. But I still love my family, and I still help around the mansion. While he's often away, I work in bookshops, or I teach young children in school. All so I can help my family.

(For strangers that stumbles on this page; everything on here is written for a fictional character for a school assignment.)

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