Wednesday, April 30, 2014

A worry

My husband is worried about me. Most women here who go into labor, whatever the number, die a short while later. Or, even more distressing, the child will not live to even get to the age of one. My husband was distressed when he found out that I was pregnant. But I can't get rid of child; not safely, at least.

None of our birth controls are safe, or effective. Most of us end up getting pregnant anyway, no matter what we do. Besides, none of us can predict when we can become pregnant. It's almost beyond our control. I wish we could predict when it happens, but we just don't have the materials. For now, we're stuck here waiting for fate to make the decision for us.


I sometimes wish I can switch roles with my husband. I wish I could be able to have more freedom like him. But alas, I stay here at home, waiting for him to come back. While he's away, I'm busy at the library. Tis the life of a Lady.

Friday, April 25, 2014

A confusing life

It's odd, isn't it? I'm supposedly an "upper" classmen, and yet, my husband and I do not work the same ways, nor are we treated as equals. He's views with much more importance than I. He's taken more seriously than I ever would, even among my own peers. I'm seen more as a possession or a prize than I am seen as a person. When my grandfather passed, the inheritance never went to my grandmother. Instead, it went to a long distance uncle I barley knew. I know I shouldn't be so weary; I have a much better life than the lower women, but only barley.

Welcome (bio)

Hello. My name is Lady Ann Stafford McTodd, "A" for short. I am part of the well known McTodd family. My great-great grandfather left behind us a large sum of pounds, which is why I am where I am today. I am a Aristocrat, or a Lady. I am currently in my early thirties, and is a soon-to-be mother. I was born and raised in London, England, which I currently still live in. 

I am an aristocrat, yes, but the way me and my husband are treated  is much different than one would expect. I do not work the same way he does, nor am I given the same opportunities. But I still love my family, and I still help around the mansion. While he's often away, I work in bookshops, or I teach young children in school. All so I can help my family.

(For strangers that stumbles on this page; everything on here is written for a fictional character for a school assignment.)